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Blended Family Ceremony


·          Welcome ! Today on this beautiful Saturday in June, we gather here today to celebrate the marriage of Jonathan and Mary .

·         When a couple is joined in love they make a commitment to each other and to their children.


·  Officiant :Jonathan, please repeat after me;

·          Jonathan:  I,  Jonathan  take you, Mary, to be my beloved partner in life. I promise to love, honor and cherish you until the end of time.

·         I also commit myself to Abby and Eve, promising to help guide you through life, during good times and bad. I promise to love and support           your children for as long as we all shall live


  Officiant: Mary, please repeat after me;

·          Mary: I, Mary, take you, Jonathan, to be my beloved partner in life. I promise to love, honor and cherish you until the end of time.

·         I also commit myself to Mason, Hailie and Hunter, promising to help guide you through life, during good times and bad. I promise to love    

          and support your children as long as we all shall live.

·         ( may or may not add on the following part:


·  Officiant: Children, please repeat after me;

·          Children: We pledge to honor the new family, brought together on this day. We promise to respect our parents for the love that they have

           brought to this family.

·         We  will act with respect to our parents and each other and pledge to  work together as a family.


· Everyone: Together, we promise to love and respect our newly created family, brought together in love. Poor or rich, sick or healthy, happy   

      or sad, we commit ourselves to each other today. Let us rejoice in the happiness we have found and be a foundation of strength to one

      another as we establish family ties that will not be broken.

·         Blended Family Sand Ceremony

·         Mary and Jon have chosen to memorialize their commitment to each other and to their family with a Sand Ceremony.

·         Each family member has a container of sand to represent______________

·         (the sand can represent either their personal qualities that they do bring to the family or to represent the qualities you want to bring into   

          the family relationship-whichever you prefer)

·         Describe each person’s color and what it means____________

·         examples: ___________has sand the color of_____________ which depicts_________

·         (for example Mason has sand the color of red which represents passion for life, Evie has sand the color of yellow representing her sunny

          smile and disposition. Abby’s sand is purple to represent his spirituality and connection to the Divine. Hunter has sand the color of green

         which represents his connection to earth, growth and new beginnings. The Blue sand belongs to Hailie which represents her love of the

          water and vacations they family has taken.


·         Each family member will pour a little of their sand into the container.

·         You will notice that in spots the sand remains distinct because each person is an individual. The colors compliment and support each

         other, just the members of a family compliment and support each other.

·         Now they will pour in the sand simultaneously.


You will note how the colors blend. This is to demonstrate the unity of family, the togetherness, the blending of personalities, strengths and needs.


·         Rings:

·         Officiant:  Please present the rings

·         Do you Johnny take Mary to be your lawful wedded wife, to  love and  honor her?

·         Johnny: I DO

·         (Place the ring on her finger)  repeat after me. With this ring I thee wed and forever pledge my devotion.

·         Do you Mary take  Johnny  to be your lawful wedded husband, to  love and honor him?

·         Mary: I DO

·         (Place the ring on his finger)  repeat after me. With this ring I thee wed and forever pledge my devotion.

·         Officiant: Please join hands;

·         By the act of joining hands you become husband and wife and solemnly promise to love, honor, comfort and cherish each other for a long

           as you both shall live.

·         Therefore, in accordance with the law of Connecticut, and by virtue of the authority vested in me by the law of Connecticut, I do

           pronounce you husband and wife.   You may kiss your bride.

You came to me as two single people and now you will leave as a married couple.

I wish for you the best of fortune , happiness and love for the rest of your lives.


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