Short & Sweet Ceremony
· Today we gather here in these beautiful gardens surrounded by family and friends to witness as Christopher and Jennifer are joined in marriage and to share the joy of this happy occasion which should be one of the most memorable and happy days of their life.
· On this the day of your marriage, you stand in a charmed circle of your love and this is as it should be.
· From this day onward you must come closer together than ever before. You must love each other in sickness and in health, for better
and for worse, but at the same time your love should give you strength to stand apart, to seek out your unique destinies, to make your
special contribution to the world.
· Being assured that you are aware of the meaning of this ceremony, I will now ask you to repeat your wedding vows:
· Officiant: Christopher please repeat after me;
· Jennifer,
I promise to love you, honor you, cherish you and to be faithful to you
· I promise to support you in every way.
· I promise to stand by your side through sickness and in health, richer, poorer, in good and bad times
· I will love and support you for as long as we both shall live.
· Officiant: Johnny, please repeat after me;
· Christopher:
· I promise to love you, honor you, cherish you and to be faithful to you
· I promise to support you in every way.
· I promise to stand by your side through sickness and in health, richer, poorer, in good and bad times
· I will love and support you for as long as we both shall live.
· Rings:
· Officiant: Please present the rings
· Do you Christopher take Jennifer to be your lawful wedded wife, to love and honor her?
· Christopher: I DO
· (Place the ring on her finger) repeat after me. With this ring I thee wed and forever pledge my devotion.
· Do you Jennifer take Christopher to be your lawful wedded husband, to love and honor him?
· Jennifer: I DO
· (Place the ring on his finger) repeat after me. With this ring I thee wed and forever pledge my devotion.
· Officiant: Please join hands;
· By the act of joining hands you become husband and wife and solemnly promise to love, honor, comfort and cherish each other for a
long as you both shall live.
· Therefore, in accordance with the law of Connecticut, and by virtue of the authority vested in me by the law of Connecticut, I do
pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.
You came to me as two single people and now you will leave as a married couple.
I wish for you the best of fortune , happiness and love for the rest of your lives.